The Carver Center is located at the historic former George Washington Carver Regional High School in Rapidan, VA. The George Washington Carver Regional High School was once a segregated school that served the Upper Piedmont region and is named after George Washington Carver, who was born into slavery and became one of our country’s most important agriculturalists as well as one of the most important black scientists of the 20th century. The property is owned by Culpeper County, which has invested significantly in renovating and revitalizing the property to support economic growth and opportunity in the region.
The Carver Center today results from more than 10 years of work with volunteers, local government, the regional planning district commission, and other organizations and businesses supporting the vision. Virginia Cooperative Extension, Culpeper Unit, is an early occupant of TCC, moving to Carver in the spring of 2023. It is expected that additional Extension and University positions will follow shortly, and are discussing expanding the Land Grant footprint to include additional Research and Extension missions here in the Northern Piedmont.
There are many programs and organizations working at the Carver Center and on the property in addition to GWCARC and its programs. The George Washington Carver High School Alumni Association, Minority and Veteran Farmers of the Piedmont, Virginia County Extension - Culpeper County, VSU Small Farmer Program, the Master Gardner Program, Culpeper County 4-H, Friends of the Rappahannock, and New Pathways Tech all have programs running out of the Center.
When you visit the Center, make sure you visit the Regional High School Alumni Association Museum to learn more about the school and its role in the region.
The Carver Center
Quick Facts
$1M+ Invested by Culpeper County in the Carver Center.
12 Acres: The size of the property, offers a vast space to expand.
Find out more here.
New Pathways Tech
This corporation provides job training at the Carver Center Complex machine shop, in Rapidan, VA, to allow students to gain credentials from the National Institute of Metalworking Skills. The programs offered by New Pathways Tech focus on machining skills and metal milling. Learn more here.
9432 North James Madison Hwy, Rapidan, VA 22733