About Us
Created in 2014, the George Washington Carver Agriculture Research Center, as known as GWCARC, has a mission to sustain, strengthen and enhance agriculture and the environment in Virginia’s Northern Piedmont and is based at the George Washington Carver Center in Rapidan, VA.
Our main activities in pursuit of that mission are in four separate areas: Carver Food Enterprise Center (CFEC), Stone Soup Job Skills Training Program, the Carver Center Food Security and Agriculture Working Group (the Working Group), and our research, conducted in conjunction with Culpeper County Extension office, Virginia State University Small Farms Program, Minority and Veteran Farmers of the Piedmont, and the Rappahannock-Rapidan Regional Commission.
Our programs are designed to serve the five-county region of Culpeper, Fauquier, Orange, and Rappahannock and are run out of the Carver Center which is located at the historic George Washington Carver High School. Upon completion of the Carver Center remodeling and updating, our office will also be located at the Center.
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